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Direct Care Dermatology
Experience the advantages of Sergay Dermatology
Same day or same week appointments.
Most minor procedures and treatments can be done the same day, minimizing the number of appointments needed.
Telehealth (online) appointments available.
Transparent pricing with no surprise bills.
Easy accessibility to Dr. Sergay after your appointment for questions or concerns.
Sergay Dermatology does not participate with any insurance or government healthcare programs. Dr. Sergay works directly for you, not for the insurance companies. Her priority and focus is what is best for you, not what is mandated by an insurance company. There are no surprise bills, no copays or deductibles, no billing of insurance, and no prior authorizations required. You will be informed about the cost of the visit and any procedures in advance.
How do we provide personalized care?
Patients always see Dr. Amanda Sergay, M.D, a board-certified dermatologist.
Dr. Sergay spends the time necessary to address all of your concerns and will not rush your visit. Appointments are available soon after you decide you need to be seen. If you have an urgent matter, Dr. Sergay will be able to see you. Dr. Sergay is personally available to assist you after regular hours for urgent concerns.
Many of Dr. Sergay’s patients have insurance, but they come to her for her expertise, her bedside manner, and the convenience. You can still use your insurance company to pay for things like prescriptions and lab tests.
Patients who have commercial insurance can use direct-care services. They will be responsible for the cost, and, if they have out-of-network benefits, their insurance company may reimburse them for some or all of the costs. Sergay Dermatology can provide you with the information you need to submit medical dermatology claims to your insurance company, as needed. Patients can also use their HSA to pay for their visits.
Dr. Sergay can see Medicare patients, but they must understand that neither government insurance or secondary insurance will reimburse for her services.
Many assume that receiving care from an in-network provider is the best economic option. However, understanding your plan and what it covers can often show significant benefit from a direct pay model.
Learn about our pricing and what to expect at Sergay Dermatology.
Tampa, FL 33609
By Appointment Only.