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Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer.  Dr. Sergay conducts thorough skin exams using dermoscopy, a polarized light technology.  If a lesion suspicious for skin cancer is noted, a biopsy can be done that same day to provide precise information allowing for correct and prompt management. When detected early, skin cancer can effectively be treated.

Our Approach to Treatment

If skin cancer is identified, there are different treatment options. The options vary depending on the type of skin cancer, location, size and your medical history/preferences.  Dr. Sergay will always take the time to discuss the pros and cons of each method and answer any questions you have. The most common treatments are surgical removal, destruction, electrodessication and curettage (ED&C), Mohs Micrographic surgery, radiation, and/or topical medication. 


Skin Cancer Types

Basal Cell Carinoma (BCC)

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer and commonly arises in areas of sun exposure.  BCC's can look like non-healing sores, scaly pink patches, or shiny white bumps; sometimes they can be pigmented.  They are slow-growing and only rarely invade deeper into the body. However, they should be removed entirely because can destroy local structures . 

Squamous cell Carcinoma (SCC)

There are many ways an SCC can look, but commonly it will be a new plaque or bump with scale, crust, or ulceration. After biopsy, Dr. Sergay will know the correct management strategy for your specific cancer. 

  • Early and proper management is important to minimize the spread to nearby structures.

  • Excessive sun and tanning beds play a central role in the development of SCC.

  • Sun protection and management of precancerous skin lesions significantly lower your risk of SCC. 


While melanoma is less common than BCC and SCC, it is responsible for most skin cancer deaths. Melanoma can be highly curable when caught early.

Melanoma risk factors include:


  • Many moles 

  • Having a personal or family history of a previous skin cancer or atypical moles

  • Sun-sensitive skin (i.e. fair skin, light eyes and skin that burns easily)

  • A history of excessive sun exposure, blistering sunburns or indoor tanning

  • A history of previous cancers, such as breast or thyroid cancer

  • If you notice a spot on your skin, follow the ABCDE rule, which describes the warning signs of melanoma:

The ABCDE's of Melanoma




Color: more than one color in a mole


Evolution: any noted changes


Border irregularities


Diameter: greater than 6 mm

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